Thursday, October 21, 2010

I missed you...

It is said you don't know the value of something unless you lose it,
It was just a few hours since we parted, and I was already missing you!

You have been a part of me, every morning, every evening and every night...
Those melodic moments, those intellectual investigations, those stupid surreptitiousness...
I have learnt so much through you and with you...

We were never perfect,
At times when I showed frustration and anger to you, you showed remarkable patience and calm...
At times of my distress, you have shown neglect...
At times, you have been too heavy to handle...
At times, we failed to understant eachother completely...

But the bond is far deeper, without you - I am incomplete...
Even if we part forever - I will make sure you are in safe hands...

I missed you, my computer!