Friday, August 18, 2006

An Interview with myself....!

Three adjectives that describe you best. Why do u have to put the most difficult question on the top??? Creative... Dedicated... Ambitious

What are the nicknames you’ve had over the years? Ssb, Kombu

What do you like/dislike most about world?Like:
Coherence amongst complexity
Dislike: Natures laws are not strict???!!!

If you were not in your current profession, where would you be?
A painter... a writer... Journalist... Historian.. Archeologist...! Lot to choose from.

If you had access to a time machine, where (and when) would you go? Why?
I would go back to the time when gravity or wheels were not invented and put them on my credit...! Newton would become a copy cat..

Given an option, would you rather be rich or famous? PS: ‘Both’ is not an option.
Neither... I don want anything that comes out without me working for it...!

If the world were made of just two colours, what would you like the colours to be?
Red and Blue... They both can create 75% of the colours on earth....!

What are your hobbies?
Thining abstract stuff... confusing people... and endup confused myself...!

If you had to spend time on an island all by yourself, with the option of having just one book and unlimited supplies of your favourite food and drink (one each only), what would be the book, dish and drink?
Book: A book on Physics or Psychology would do me for life...Dish: Mushrooms or Babycorns with paneer...
Drink: Pathanir (with a freezer box)

If you wrote a book or made a movie, what would it be about and what would you call it?
The book would be about a complex human being who would try to demistify himself... I would call it "Understanding"

What does success mean to you?
Sucess means growth in all respects and a sense of spiritual ascendancy...

Do you have a blog spot and/or a personal homepage? What are the URLs?

Fear and Power

Fear and Power... What do they have in common...A wierd combination... Look at the powerless...They fear the powered.. they are afraid of those who have power.. On the other hand... The powerful..Are they fearless?? No... they have a more fatal fear... The fear of losing power... The fear of loosing wat power they have obtained... Looking more carefully.. the whole world turns around these two words.. Those who are afraid have two choices.. Rise up and acquire power.. or seek asylum from those who have power..The state of powered aint any better though... They end up in a constant vicious circle of keeping the power to themseleves... once acquired... it makes one addicted to it... Dopes down your senses and blinds you.. makes situations so madennin that many faulter to cater the very purpose that power got into their hands... History has many such strories to offer... The roman empire to hitlet to protestantism... power has gone haywire...America has power...! so do the americans have mortal fear... And so it turns out to be that the most feared are the most afraid.............!!!

Thursday, August 17, 2006


Money... The single entity that has the most number of lovers... The single entity that people are ready to love no matter how old she might torn and tattered she might be.. Money is that one entity..for which many are ready to give life take hurt their loved ones... It can create the most beautiful place on earth.. and so can it destroy the most beautiful place... Can one be indifferent to money...Quite a tough call.. aint it...! Is money worth us.. or should have i asked.. are we worth the money we own...? Some revelations...Everyone have seen ppl run behind money and end up with no time to use wat they have earned..So do we see ppl who have hardly earned much having so much time.. but nothing to spend except sorrow and misery... Wat is money and life all about...The lesson... The amount of money one has aint directly proportional to happiness... and it aint go other other way too... But why do we call any person who has accumulated so much money in his life as sucessful?? Why is it always that the wealthiest countries are acclaimed and sort after to live in... while the ppl form those countries find asylum in monasteries...?? Perhaps there are a lot more we are yet to understand about money... The effect money has on ones mind...Strange it is... I find myself ready to pay 2000 for a branded shoes and fight to pay 200 to the guy who sells footwear in the platforms...??
You would eat in the cheapest of the roadside hotels.. Yet take your date to the costliest hotel and still compkain to the wiater on the tiny speck of dirt on the tail end of your fork....! Why does this opinion on money keep changin with situation???
Think we should learn more about money... more aboutt he relations money has to the mind....!
Next time you pull out your wallet or get your pay slip.. think about the effect it makes on the little guy inside your head....! wat does he say bout it...!!

Indifference....! is bliss...

I walk along the streets one evening and watch a couple... sitting close together.. hands held together... minds bonded together.. thoughts flying high above... Guess they must be dating each other...! A lotta people passing by have a sneak at them.. peep into the bliss that they have created for themselves and give out nothing but a sigh.. others gettin reminded about their good old times....
All the happenings in the world around seem to make little effect on the two drenched in each other... Indifference is Bliss....

Once in my college days... I as usual forget some stuff that has to be carried with me ot the classes... and the time long awaited by my staff gets well utilised... Am asked to get outta the class and punished and shouted at... I calmly walk outta the class... Have some snacks.. walk back to the hostel and take a nice nap while the others maintain their calm in classrooms... Indifference is Bliss...

I travel over a long distance and the person sitting near me starts snoring all through the night of travel.. That keeps a deadly vigil over me on not falling asleep...! Adding to it.. ke keeps brushing my face with the oily greasy head...! I start gazing out through the windows... creating my own world of where no one snores and has greasy heads... Indifference is Bliss....

A few days before the exams... The marriage hall near my house starts pounding the air with tons of decibels... start celebrating the union of some guy and a gal.. The noise generated makes every one in the blast radius aware of it and gathers them whole lot of curse right there on the starting day of their marriage... I lay there reading those books.. inevitable is inevitable... Indifference in Bliss....

I have found so much confort in my indifferenec that these days... I am able to do any kinda stuff.. My mind and body in full synchronism... without a bit of Crib and Cry.. True... Indifference is bliss....

I listen to songs of utter nonsense while those around me laud it... Hear those bogus claims by people unawares of wat they are talking about.. A smile sparks in your face... Not a rage to argue and fight...!

All it takes to become indifferent is provocation... When you have been provoked enough... the provokers have nothing left in you to provoke any further... all they do to you... Is mochery.. Utter mockery of themselves...
When i see some one doing those crazy acts of provocation... you can find yourself as a person.. Indifferent... when all you have in reply.. is a smile....!