Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Am I Different?

“Yes… I am unique… I am different” – Proclaimed a person who gives me most of my crazy thoughts. I usually take him for granted… I don’t question him much… But one day when he was trumpeting too much on this, I asked him… In what way are you so unique?

“I did schooling along with so many people, you succeeded some times… failed many times… jus as any other person…”

“I went to college… did my graduation… I did well in academics as well as non academic activities…” so what… there are so many people who have been able to do that…

“I worked for a small company… learnt quickly… was a good performer… good ratings and people knew I am capable…” so what… there are numerous people who have learnt much faster…

“I joined an MBA school… with just about a year’s experience I was able to come out as one of the toppers and got special appreciation for the project done there…” what difference does it make… there are people in even better MBA schools… who are of same category…

He was out of words… “What else have I done…” he murmured…

“Ah yes… I created a website for myself before I was 15…” hmmm... so what… you did become some Bill Gates or someone…

“I can paint… I can act… I can write…” some can do much better… forget it…

“Hey… I have always done some thing which was not expected out of me… No one thought I would become the topper in school… neither in college… neither in B-School…” well… what is the point…

Well… in the above snippet… I end up being both the protagonist and antagonist… Are people destined to be different after all… why nature should create people who are unique…? I can see so many animals… trees… birds… insects… do I say that this only little bee is so unique from every other bee on earth? May be not…

We have heard so much about men seeking immortality… glory… honour… destiny… words which have made people do things which are so weird to comprehend from nature’s point of view… “Hey… why did that guy go almost half through the world killing and ruining everything in his way?”… “What is he trying to do by spending so many hours of his precious life reading and writing?”… In a quest to establish the uniqueness or achieve something called self actualisation… Oh yeah… Self Actualisation… or Destiny…

I would ask… were we destined really destined to be unique?


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

It's just amazing ! The quest to be Unique is not for a cause all the time. But whatever you did and done to differentiate yourself defines a meaning in your life. Life has to be meaningful but not necessarily to be Unique !

Unknown said...

human mind always has an urge to get recognition and appreciation.
even a child wants to command the attraction of others. youngsters raise different noises in public programmes; they rash drive when they pass young girls.even middle aged men start talking in english in the vicinity of ladies.to attract the attention, they have to stand apart; some choose the positive direction, some the negative.

Unknown said...

Hi Senthil,
This is a nice post. I feel that being unique is important. There are different things in the world that requires different talent and skill sets and not everyone can get specialized in everything. we need people who are unique and specializing in different things. Like the recent post if every entity gets access to all resources and capabilities of the world they may raise only certain parameters of theirs, putting it differently everyone is unique in what they want and what they will do. It all depends on how much specialist (unique people) world produce to lead the world in different walks and raise the bar for others to follow or catchup.