Thursday, February 22, 2007

Power and Fear!

"With Great Power Comes Great Responsibilty" - Thats a famous oneliner from SpiderMan.

Pretty catchy - Aint it... Well spider man clad in his blue-red costume and coupled with this onliner almost unanimously synonimises the american big brother - Bug stick - nosy porker role!

I would liek to change that onliner differently..

"With Great Power Come Great Fear - The Fear of losing it!"

This seems to be the precise satanic curse taht falls on everyone who starts to gain power or some way posesses it! No ones ready to loose it..
Parvez Musharraf wants to cling to it.. and in the fear of losing it.. goes insane! Indian politicians in rule are afraid thath if they deliver a non-populist hard hitting reforms - They would be thrown out of office - [The measures against Inflation - Save ten buks now ans lose hundred tomorrow moves!]

Now back to the Big Brother! Power somehow not rests on the american soil and culminates at the White House..! So does the fear of losing the might.

Iraq sounds like someone who would defy us.. who would choose not to be our ally and yet prosper.. How can that happen.. Lets teach em a lesson!

Well buddies.. Learn form it now! Atleast act sanely with Iran.

I somehow sense the same megalomania in Bush which i sense with Saddam...! But no one knows Saddam as a person who once recieved UNICEF award for child education programs he brought forth! Neither do we remember or possible will forever that United states had a hand in the chemical warefare that were once lodged on Kurds in northern Iraq.. [Perharps the west german generals would have had an answer then!]

Now.. Why this insanity... Thats what fear is...!

When the weak are afraid.. They peee.. But when the powerful are afraid.. They raid.. raid before the enemy awakes!

1 comment:

rangr said...

That's sehr interresant, I didn't know Saddam got a UNICEF award. Anyways, your post reminds me of Aung san suu kyi comment, "Its not power that corrupts but fear of losing it that does." How true. It happens even in India.